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The benefits of dermaplaning

People often ask the question. What are the BENEFITS of dermaplaning? Whilst there are many old wife’s tales out there about this new trend. I’m here today to tell you all you need to know about this facial procedure and put the myths to bed.

But first – What is dermaplaning?

This procedure can be done at home or within a beauty salon. The dermaplaning home kits will include a bamboo / plastic pen shaped like tool with a with a sharp scalpel at the end. The beauty professionals will have a similar tool, but much sharper. This amazing tool will lightly scrape the surface of your skin (Face) in a 45-degree angle to remove hair and dead skin cells. This can be considered an alternative for people who are wanting laser skin treatments.


1. Good for sensitive s

kin – if you have sensitive skin like me, then dermaplaning is for you. As there are no chemicals used on the skin whilst scraping away those dead skin cells. It’s a less invasive procedure that will give you glowy dewy skin

2. Prevents breakouts (acne) – As dermaplaning exfoliates and eliminates dead skin cells, it reduces clogged pore and oil on the face (known as sebum). It makes the cells on your skins work extra hard; this gives a healthier glow.

3. Regeneration – As Facial cells regenerate, this treatment also allows your moisturizer and serums to penetrate deeper into the skin. It also helps reduce dryness of the skin and uneven skin tone

4. Promotes collagen – Collagen is vital for making us look young and youthful, as we grow older, are skin starts to lose its elasticity as collagen decreases. Dermaplaning stimulates collagen production which results to us having healthy younger looking skin - for longer.

5. Make-up looks flawless. - Your skin becomes smoother as excess dirt and oil is removed along with any PEACHFUZZ. This gives the perfect canvas for any primer / foundation to be applied.

6. Quick and easy procedure – dermaplaning roughly takes about 30 minutes to do. I always do this procedure the day before a big event or night out. There is no prep or recovery time needed, therefore it can fit into anyone’s routine – this procedure can be done every 6 weeks.

7. Immediate results - According to online medical publication Healthline, ‘the reduction of facial hair and dead skin cells makes peoples’ faces visibly brighter even after the first treatment. Why? Because the top layer of our skin is exposed to harsh toxins and irritants every day., This is especially true if you are exposed to the sun regularly, a heavy smoker or drinker.

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